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A Late Happy New Year

It has been a long time since I last posted!  Looking back last year's posts............I didn't write much :).  That is because all last year I was taking time off from being pregnant and giving birth to the most beautiful daughter on Earth.   She is 8 months old now and just right now she is sleeping away.

The above photo shows is what I mainly prepare now - baby food!!   E loves loves fruit and a bit of yogurt.    She started solids around 5months and since then I have been battling with her food in-tolerances which created her skin to get eczema, flare ups and really horrible skin.  So then I kept a food diary - the culprit I found was wheat.  So hopefully she can get bread again.......I will slowly introduce that later in the month and see if her skin reacts.

Some snaps of food I have been making but never really had the time to post here (will do soon!). 

Home made pizza

Cassava Cake

Chinese Turnip Cake

Yep my photo styling is always going to be messy and I am hoping to brush up in that department and I really want a new clean and fresh blog format (like every blogspot user moving over to wordpress).  We will see!